A traffic accident was recorded on the morning of Friday, July 1 at the height of Sanarate El Progreso, at kilometer 68 of the Route to the Atlantic, where a truck overturned on the asphalt belt.
Departmental Municipal Firefighters of that municipality responded to the emergency call and provided pre-hospital assistance to the driver of the car that survived the mishap. They are Jonathan Samuel Aroche Paz, 30; who only had minor blows as well as nervous breakdowns, so it was not necessary to transfer to a care center.
As a result of the mishap, three lanes to the south and 10% of the left lane to the north were obstructed by elements of the General Directorate of Road Protection and Safety (Provial) and the National Civil Police (PNC); are supporting transit in the sector.
Material damage to the car was also reported.
Fell asleep at the wheel
According to the report of the relief agency that covered the accident, this occurred because the driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused the incident to happen.